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Grilled Corn On The Cob......step by step

After so much of cakes and cookies, I am sharing an easy grilled corn which you can do on the stove top. The best part is it is fat butter... and yes HEALTHY too!

Usually this is done on top of charcoal....which I must sadly admit is seen very rarely in Kerala, but if you go outside the state especially during winters and monsoons you can see corn being grilled on top of charcoal at every nook and corner...oh! how much I loved munching on them....and the smokey flavour.

This is a desi style (Indian style) method with desi dressings....a typical street food style.

I took this pic during my last visit to Mysore.

Here is what you should do:
Corn: 1, select soft ones (press your thumb nail into it to find out softer ones).
Red Chilly powder: 1/2 tsp.
Amchur/dry mango powder: A big fat pinch (optional).
Salt: 1/2 tsp.
Lemon: 1/2

Select soft corn by pressing into one kernel with your thumb nail...your nail should go right in and it should be juicy....avoid harder ones.

2. Remove the skin and put it on top of gas flame, try to cook all the sides by turning it (you will get the black spots in a matter of minutes)...If you have grill at home then go ahead and grill it.

3. Mix red chilly powder, amchur (if using), and salt. Press one lemon into the masala.

4. Take the hot grilled corn...

5. And rub the lemon all over.

6. That's it perfectly grilled spicy, citrusy corn is ready to munch on this winter......perfectly grilled street food right in your kitchen and healthy too.


  1. Hey, I too posted one just 2 days back. Wonderfully charred Nisa.

  2. Omg, cant take my eyes from ur clicks,sooo tempting.

  3. Love love love this ....wish can have it now

  4. Nice stepwise and yummy it looks

  5. i simply love this...with chilli powder and lime rub truly delicious

  6. wow..the corn looks supper.....I remember my bangalore days....we use to eat in there almost everyday in the corn season...nice clicks...

  7. Hi Nisa,
    This is my very favorite way to prepare corn, the flavor is just amazing. I like to use the roasted corn in recipes, it gives a special flavor. Thank you so much for sharing with Full Plate Thursday. Hope you are having a great week and come back soon!
    Miz Helen

  8. Thanks a bunch for all the lovely inspirations.

  9. Yum - it's the start of summer here, and corn season is on it's way. It's still a few weeks before it gets plentiful and reasonably priced (right now about $2 a cob - ridiculous), but as soon as the price is right you can be sure I will be trying this :-)

  10. Makes my mouth water! Used to enjoy this a lot in B'lore, ah.

  11. Couscous-Hey thanks for the visit. Oh my! that's awfully costly $2 a cob is totally ridiculous, I agree on that. Here it is around Rs. 3 per cob. I guess we are the lucky ones :)

  12. Yuumy and tasty corn. Monsoon best snack. My fav is sweet corn with butter ahhhh delicious!!!


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